SO ready!!
As I sit here & see nothing but white snowflakes obscuring my view of more snow!!!!!!
i'm fed up of winter, and dirty yucky snow, and my car is full of sh*t salt.. so, today i washed it by hand.
it's red and shinny
SO ready!!
As I sit here & see nothing but white snowflakes obscuring my view of more snow!!!!!!
just wondering who else is lurking besides me?
Not a Dub and never will be!! I have a son with a former JW who then decided to go back. This has been a great source of insight & info for me.
Thanks to all!
autistic basketball player creates mayhem at game .
oh great...blubbering like a baby at work
That was awesome!! Thanks!
i am going to reveal details of a personal nature here.
these details may reveal who i am to anyone looking to finally expel me from the organization - but frankly that it of little importance compared to what i am now having to decide.
i ask those who here - with either the qualifications, or who can direct me to those with such, to respond.
If you have legal custody, the FIRST thing you should do is contact your attorney. No way this guy should be allowed to disrupt the life you are providing for your grandchildren (good for you) without some sort of committment from him. The laws are now leaning towards fathers' rights however, and if he is sincere, I would make sure you have your ducks in a row. He will have to establish paternity first and his motives for this sudden desire to see his son, then work out arrangements with YOU for visitation. You can then request supervised visitation at first, nothing wrong with that, but I agree, don't let him in your house. I was advised at the beginning of my custody case that without custody established, if my ex were to take our son out of the country or refuse to return him during one of his visits, it would be difficult to get him back, as he was his legal father. Get the paternity established first before you decide on any type of visitation!
As for the girls, explain to them that the fact their BSD (as I refer to my own daughters "father") were not ready for the responsibility of fatherhood. It wasn't their fault it was a decision that they made. Assure them that you love them and their mother loves them and no matter what you will be there for them. My daughter recently went thru this with her own BSD and after getting his address & whatnot, decided she did not want to talk to him. She feels (she's 16 now) that it was his choice, and it was a bad one for him in her opinion, why should she bother now. She may change her mind, who knows. She does have the benefit of knowing who he is and how to get in contact with him, not sure if you have that available.
I'm sorry you are going thru this, but I applaud you for taking care of your grandkids, you're amazing in my book.
what sends shivers down your spine like the good ole "nails on a chaulkboard"?
things people do, say or don't do or say.
basically what really pisses you off.. df.
When you are having a conversation with someone and another person comes up & joins in/comments "who did that?" "why did you do that?". Makes me crazy...if I wanted to talk to you I'd invite you!
Different if you're at a party or something, but when someone passing by hears something, and decides to jump in your conversation & interject their opinion. This usually only happens in my office....and usually has nothing to do with you so butt out!
digitalfokus has a thread going for how old you actually are, but my question is, how old do you feel??.
you don't have to say how old you are, just how old you feel (and maybe whether that's younger or older than you are), and i'd like to know why you feel that age.
i'm just curious because personally, i don't feel my age and i was wondering how many of my fellow jwders don't feel their age.. i'll start:.
I don't feel a day over 33...!!
how do you feel about tv shows & movies at present?.
do you think it is appropriate for children to be viewing comedies with cursing and sexual encounters?.
don't you think movies have more cursing even though they are rated "g"?.
You know, I agree with most everyone here, if it's too much for your kids YOU are the one in control. You aren't going to control what is being made out there in the form of entertainment so deal with it. I had a system with a friend of mine that saw movies usually before I did. She'd tell me if she thought it was too much for my daughter or not. We went with that. Now, she makes her own choices, I trust her. She loves scary movies & now tells ME if I should ever watch it or not. Those movies are rated NFM (not for Mom)
Now, I do the same for my son. He knows he has his own movies & there are movies we have that he can't watch just yet. He doesn't watch my shows with me. As for TV, TURN IT OFF if you don't like it. YOU are the parent! You know what your kid can & cannot handle.
i will tell you why i think that you didn't get picked later.
Mrs McDucket
Thanks for the mention!! You're a real sweetie for doing this
well, in the interest of fluff and foo foo stuff (and because it's a great hobby of mine), i want to know what peoples' signs are (no, not "keep off the grass") .
i have guesses about many here and what their signs are.. please please indulge me..... ~brigid
bear with me because this is going to be a big pity party.
in my life just this last year i have done and survived through a lot of things.
i actually am very sensitive to people that i love and their feelings.
Wow..good on ya Daystar...
I'm impressed that you've taken on the roll of single parent for your son. It's not easy but it's very rewarding. Nothing is better than watching your child develop & come up with their "own thing" as to why things work the way they do. I'm impressed because you don't hear so much of the father taking on that role. I know they are out there, but it's heartwarming to know that those of you fathers that do, really do!
With my son he's got his dad, sometimes I wish he'd go away, but deep down I know he's good for him in his own way. Right now his father & I are enjoying a lull in our relationship, that is he's learning to cooperation with not only me, but the court system. It's been a rough road, and there are still some bumps, but I'm in a place where I can tolerate him again. I feel that is important to our son, to see us "getting along" instead of how things have been for the last 3 years, but I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop. He's still being taken to "meeting" and as last Tuesdays' meltdown indicated to me, he's not enjoying it one little bit. I take him to my church, where he goes into a class with kids HIS age & learns on his own level.
Just wanted to say, from one single parent to the other, Good for you! We all continue to learn in this crazy thing called Life!